Nice News calls kindness, “The overlooked key to high performance at work.” Similarly, we’ve written about it here, as an effective and rewarding behavior. And we also uses Kindership™ as a process in leadership development.

From the article:

UCLA sociologist Giovanni Rossi and a team of collaborators from universities in Australia, Ecuador, Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.K. discovered that individuals signal a need for low-stakes assistance roughly every 2 minutes. And when these small moments arise, people comply with the requests for aid more often than they decline, according to a press release issued by UCLA.”

“Rossi added that the findings point to helpfulness being ingrained in humans around the world. ‘While cultural variation comes into play for special occasions and high-cost exchange, when we zoom in on the micro level of social interaction, cultural difference mostly goes away, and our species’ tendency to give help when needed becomes universally visible.'”


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